A+ Dictionary Skills
Grades 5-8
uil a+ dictionary skills practice materials
Sample Test & Key
Materials are created for two divisions: grades 5/6 and 7/8.
General Contest Information
Thorough knowledge of the dictionary is a way to increase a student's ability to find the information that is needed for classwork as well as everyday living. Each Dictionary Skills test consists of 40 objective and short answer questions to be completed in 20 minutes. Contestants use dictionaries during the competition, which may be tabbed. Contest questions cover word origins and histories, parts of speech, variant spellings, plurals, alphabetizing and other such elements. Test questions are also taken from charts, tables and lists contained in the dictionary.
The subject matter of all tests is taken from the Merriam Webster's Intermediate Dictionary copyrights 2016, 2020, and 2024. Contestants may use other dictionaries in the contest, but the contest subject matter will be found in Webster's Intermediate from any of the copyrights mentioned above.
The Intermediate Dictionary is available for purchase at a discounted price through Texas Educational Paperbacks.
Practice tests are included in the A+ Elementary and Junior High Study Materials booklets, which are available for purchase through the UIL Online Store. Other practice materials are available from independent vendors.
- +3 for each correct answer
- -2 for each incorrect answer
- No deduction is taken for skipped or unanswered items
* The test does not include questions regarding syllables anymore.