A+ Maps, Graphs & Charts
Grades 5-8
uil a+ maps/graphs/charts practice materials
Sample Test & Key
Materials are created for two divisions: grades 5/6 and 7/8.
General Contest Information
The maps, graphs & charts contest is designed to help students learn to get information from a variety of maps, graphs and charts including world maps, pie charts, bar charts and local area maps. The objective test will measure skills such as using a reference book to locate information, making comparisons, estimating and approximating, using scale and interpreting grid systems, legends and keys.
Students will be given an objective test containing approximately 75 multiple choice and true/false questions, which must be answered in 45 minutes.
The official source for Maps, Graphs & Charts is the Nystrom Desk Atlas, 2016 and 2018 edition. Students may also use any other atlas they choose, but the test questions are written using this source.
Sources for Official Atlas
Order through Nystrom or TEP:
Nystrom Education
a division of Social Studies School Service
10200 Jefferson Blvd., Box 802
Culver City, CA 90232
phone: 800-421-4246
fax: 800-944-5432
Website: https://go.socialstudies.com/uil-desk-atlas
Texas Educational Paperbacks
3824 Cedar Springs Rd. #202, Dallas, TX 75219-4168
Phone: 800-443-2078; Fax: 800-437-7070
E-mail: customerservice@tepbooks.com
Website: https://www.tepbooks.com/product/nystrom-desk-atlas-paperback-9780782526585/
- +3 for each correct answer
- -2 for each incorrect answer
- No deduction of points for unanswered questions