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University Interscholastic League Logo
University Interscholastic League Logo

The UIL provides services to its member schools in the organization and administration of region and state championships in 14 sports. The athletics homepage is designed to provide information on all UIL sponsored sports.




Athletics News & Updates

February 11, 2025
2025-2026 Volleyball Calendar Updates


Friday, August 1 First day of practice   Friday, August 1 First day of practice
Friday, August 8 1ST day for Scrimmages   Friday, August 8 1ST day for Scrimmages
Monday, August 11 First day for Games   Monday, August 11 First day for Games
Tuesday, October 28 District Certification   Tuesday, October 28 District Certification
Oct 30-Nov 1  Bi-District   Oct 30-Nov 1 Bi-District
November 3-4   Area   November 3-4 Area
November 6-8 Regional Semifinals   November 6-8

Regional Quarterfinals

November 10-11 Regional Finals   November 10-11 Regional semifinals
November 15 State Semifinals   November 14 Regional Finals
November 20-22  State Finals   November 15

State Semifinals

      November 20 State Finals

*The 1A Regional Finals and State Semifinals will be played at predetermined sites.

Key calendar changes:

  1. The Volleyball First Day of Practice will be moved to Friday, August 1st.
    • This will allow coaches much needed additional time for tryouts and preparation for the season.
  2. District Certification will be set for Tuesday, October 28th
    • This change will benefit volleyball programs by:
      • Alleviating some concerns regarding facility availability for playoffs.
        • Decreases the overlap with basketball
        • Provides for UIL designated sites for State Semifinal games (as well as 1A Regional Final games)
    • Increasing the turnaround time between the state semifinal games and the championship games to help with travel.
    • Providing more of a championship atmosphere for State Semifinal teams by ensuring great facilities and the availability of trophies and medals to be presented to teams not advancing to the championship games.

*It is important to note that this date change will result in the loss of one playing date, however, it will not impact the number of games and/or tournaments allowed for the season.

Action Items for Coaches:

  • Review the updated calendar (attached) and share it with your team and staff.
  • Adjust your preseason preparations to reflect the new dates.
  • Work with other coaches to make adjustments to your District Schedule and submit to your DEC for approval.

Action Items for DEC Members:

  • Work with coaches on schedule adjustments needed due to the change in district certification
  • Two possible solutions could include:
    • Shifting the entire district schedule back one playing date.
    • Moving the last district game to be the first district game of district play, while leaving the remainder of the schedule as it is currently.
  • Approve the revised district schedule.
August 26, 2024
UIL Protocols for Electronic Relay Judging Equipment - Swim & Dive

UIL Protocols for Electronic Relay Judging Equipment

The following protocols will be utilized for the 2024-25 UIL Swimming & Diving Season.

In all UIL championship meets in which electronic relay judging equipment is being utilized, a minimum of two (2), preferably four (4), relay takeoff judges must be assigned to observe relay exchanges.

  1. An individual relay takeoff judge should be assigned to observe no more than four (4), preferably two (2) lanes.
  2. Side takeoff judges should be positioned on the side of the pool nearest the lanes for which they have responsibility.
  3. Lane takeoff judges should be positioned facing the side judge and adjacent to starting platforms for which they have responsibility, where they will have an unrestricted view of the incoming and outgoing touches and departures.
  4. An alleged rules infraction, that is observed by any of the takeoff judges, shall be recorded immediately in writing. Each relay takeoff judge, who observes an alleged rules violation, shall wait until the last competitor of the heat is in the water before signaling an observed violation by raising a hand overhead, with open palm.  Both officials observing relay takeoff exchanges shall not be located next to each other on the side of the pool.
  5. When the relay judging equipment records an exchange of 0.00 and beyond on the positive side, or from the manufacturer’s starting point, there shall not be an early relay takeoff violation charged unless there has been an observed contact with the starting block by a swimmer or team personnel at the block and observed by the official assigned to the lane.
  6. Should the electronic relay judging equipment fail, it would take dual confirmation from officials to validate a DQ.




Non-Omega Timing System

Any negative value

0.00 and greater

DQ MUST have confirmation by at least one (1) takeoff judge




(Judges are not considered unless there was an observed contact as described in #5 above)


Omega Timing System

Any negative value less than -0.03

-0.03 and greater

DQ MUST have confirmation by at least one (1) takeoff judge




(Judges are not considered unless there was an observed contact as described in #5 above)