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University of Texas at Austin
University Interscholastic League Logo
University Interscholastic League Logo

Athletics Contact Info

Director of Athletics:
Ray Zepeda

Department Email:
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Department Phone:

Department Fax:

Assistant Athletic Directors:

Grace McDowell:
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AJ Martinez:
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Joseph Garmon:
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Lightning Safety

Lightning may be the most frequently encountered severe storm hazard endangering physically active people each year. Millions of lightning flashes strike the ground annually in the United States, causing nearly 100 deaths and 400 injuries. Three quarters of all lightning casualties occur between May and September, and nearly four fifths occur between 10:00 am and 7:00 pm, which coincides with the hours for most athletic events.

Postpone or suspend activity if a thunderstorm appears imminent before or during an activity or contest (irrespective of whether lightning is seen or thunder heard) until the hazard has passed. Signs of imminent thunderstorm activity are darkening clouds, high winds, and thunder or lightning activity

Recommendations for Lightning Safety

  1. Establish a chain of command that identifies who is to make the call to remove individuals from the field.
  2. Name a designated weather watcher (A person who actively looks for the signs of threatening weather and notifies the chain of command if severe weather becomes dangerous).
  3. Have a means of monitoring local weather forecasts and warnings.
  4. Designate a safer shelter for each venue. See examples below.
  5. When thunder is heard within 30 seconds of a visible lightning strike, or a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen, the thunderstorm is close enough to strike your location with lightning. Suspend play for thirty minutes and take shelter immediately..
  6. Once activities have been suspended, wait at least thirty minutes following the last sound of thunder or lightning flash prior to resuming an activity or returning outdoors.
  7. Avoid being the highest point in an open field, in contact with, or proximity to the highest point, as well as being on the open water. Do not take shelter under or near trees, flagpoles, or light poles.
  8. Assume that lightning safe position (crouched on the ground weight on the balls of the feet, feet together, head lowered, and ears covered) for individuals who feel their hair stand on end, skin tingle, or hear "crackling" noises. Do not lie flat on the ground.
  9. Observe the following basic first aid procedures in managing victims of a lightning strike:
    • Activate local EMS
    • Lightning victims do not "carry a charge" and are safe to touch.
    • If necessary, move the victim with care to a safer location.
    • Evaluate airway, breathing, and circulation, and begin CPR if necessary.
    • Evaluate and treat for hypothermia, shock, fractures, and/or burns.
  10. All individuals have the right to leave an athletic site in order to seek a safe structure if the person feels in danger of impending lightning activity, without fear of repercussions or penalty from anyone.


Safer Shelter:

  1. A safer location is any substantial, frequently inhabited building. The building should have four solid walls (not a dug out), electrical and telephone wiring, as well as plumbing, all of which aid in grounding a structure.
  2. The secondary choice for a safer location from the lightning hazard is a fully enclosed vehicle with a metal roof and the windows completely closed. It is important to not touch any part of the metal framework of the vehicle while inside it during ongoing thunderstorms.
  3. It is not safe to shower, bathe, or talk on landline phones while inside of a safer shelter during thunderstorms (cell phones are ok).


NFHS Position Statement on Guidelines on Handling Practicies and Contests During Lightning or Thunder Disturbances