ILPC Membership Application 2024-2025

Basic Fees: ILPC members pay for membership per publication. Membership fees cover membership only. An additional fee is required to have a publication/broadcast ratings as well as participate in Individual Achievement Award competition.

Additional Fees: Rating fees are charged according to size of publication and, in the case of yearbooks, for annotations.

Mounted Plaques: Staffs may now purchase their certificate mounted on a wood plaque for $60. Please mark the specific plaque you want mounted and include that in your payment. Staffs are not required to do this. Each publication will still receive a certificate to mark the success of the publication.

Once you submit this form, you will receive an email receipt.

In order for your membership to be complete, you must print a copy of the email and mail it along with your full payment to:

1701 Manor Road
Austin, TX 78722

Make checks payable to "The University of Texas at Austin - UIL".

Your Information

    School Phone
    (if available)

    School Fax (if available)

    Which program do you advise?*

    Total number of Years teaching?*

    Total number of years at your current school?*

    Add 2nd Adviser (if applicable)

    School Information

    If you chose "other" above, please explain here.

    Yearbook Information

    Yearbook Fees (please check all that apply.)


    Rating only for book fewer than 161 pages -

    Rating only for book with 161-300 pages -

    Rating only for book with 300 plus pages -

    Rating/Annotation for book fewer than 161 pages -

    Rating/Annotation for book with 161-300 pages -

    Rating/Annotation for book with 300 plus pages -

    Yearbook IAAs -


    Newspaper Information

    Newspaper Fees (please check all that apply.)


    12 or fewer pages tabloid/6 or fewer broadsheet per issue

    13-20 pages tabloid or 7-10 pages broadsheet per issue

    20-plus pages tabloid or 11-plus pages broadsheet per issue

    Newspaper IAAs -

    Online news rating fee -

    Online news IAAs fee -


    Broadcast Information

    Broadcast Fees (please check all that apply.)


    Rating for less than 10 minute broadcast -

    Rating for 10:01 to 15 minute broadcast -

    Rating for an over 15 minute broadcast -

    Broadcast IAAs -


    Additional Fees

    Mounted Plaques ($60 each)